Welcome to Theorycrafting101! What is Theorycrafting exactly? It's the process of thinking, creating and guessing what happens next in game. It could be about the next worlds, next levels of talents and powers, what kind of pets, gears, so on. You pretty much predict what you think will happen.
For instance, have you ever wondered about what happens after Marleybone and Aquila? That's the question being played in so many people's minds. One evening, three people got together and spun a glorious story of what we think could happen. And out of all of that, we decided to share our thoughts and stories of what is possible with all of you. Some parts of it might happen or maybe not and maybe the whole story will be wrong. We don't care. We just want to imagine and see what we discover to be true or false. If we're right, we will just take the joy of being the one who saw it so clearly and accurately. We have decided that every Friday, we will release a part of the story in stages written by all of us. We just hope you will enjoy them!
Here's the said three people who got together and spun a glorious story -
Kelsey Fireheart aka Fearless Kristen Eastwick
My Pirate's Name is Fearless Kristen Eastwick. She's a Level 57 Swashbuckler. I started playing Wizard101 in 2010 after playing countless games. Wizard101 was the first game that made me want to stay. And from there, once Pirate101 came along, I just knew I would love it just like I did Wizard101. Falling into that world has made me even more interested in the storylines and what worlds that will come that we aren't aware of. In an amazing way, the games have provided me a way to broaden my imagination and create a world full of new stories in my head. Now it's time to write them down and share with the wonderful Kingsisle Community here.
Nicholas Lionrider aka Fearless Nicholas Kent
My Pirate's Name is Fearless Nicholas Kent, currently a level 51, started playing KI games in the fourth grade, so almost 6 years now. I have fell deeply in love with both the stories of Wizard101 and Pirate101, however, the lore behind Pirate101 is much greater. I have made several ideas about the game that some later became part of Wizard101. I am a huge fan on the story Blind Mew has created for the game so far and I am grateful to share our ideas about the future of the game.
Sheldon Cooper aka Merciless Alex Nichols
My Pirate's Name is Merciless Alex Nichols, I am a level 65 Swashbuckler. I started playing Wizard101 in 2009. I instantly fell in love with the stories behind the worlds and later on, the advanced pet update. I was accepted into Pirate101 beta back in August 2012 and honestly, I have loved every moment of it. I have never looked back. I am very interested in what KI will bring out in the future and I love creating Storylines and Worlds.
First installment will start next Friday, June the 14th.