Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Brand New Pirate101 Christmas Companions!

Pirate101 has introduced two brand new Christmas companion, the Mistle Toad and Prince Yulefest! Interestingly enough, the nutcracker's clothes will match the color of your flag. That's why my nutcracker is in all black I believe. I am not sure if this is a bug or not.

The new companions do not come with any promotions and will be found in Crown Shop for 3995 crowns each. With those companions, you'll sure look yule-merry on the skyways! I believe my favorite is the Mistle Toad. You can't beat those candy cane weapons! They're super awesome. And look at those shoes, too funny! While walking, he practically takes leaps probably to avoid tripping in those huge shoes.

Came with True Grit, Jump and Pirate originally

Came with Quick Adjust originally
