Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Brand New Wizard101 Christmas Pet: Polar Fox!

There's a brand new pet in the spiral - the Polar Fox! You can find it in Crown Shop for 3750 Crowns. 

You know, "Polar" reminds me of "The Polar Express." Now that was a good movie and book. That Tom Hanks is a gem! And Fox? Hehe, what does the fox say? ;)

This pet has a cool Bladestorm card which is going to be pretty useful! Definitely a pet that I would improve for sure.

 Apparently this pet has Ace Avenger which is MC Vengeance. How interesting! I wonder what's the second epic? 

Also the best thing about this pet is that you can dye the clothes that's on it! I picked red and green because well, it's Christmas colors obviously.

Go grab that fox, it's so darn adorable!

Thanks Elie Dreamflower for allowing me to have a copy of your awesome Polar Fox pet!
