Monday, April 18, 2016

Mount-A-Palooza 2016

Mount-A-Palooza is back for both Wizard101 and Pirate101! This means all mounts are on sale! This includes BUNDLE mounts. Now, now don't faint. Just not yet. There's just one more thing I need to say!

There's new mounts. Yes, NEW MOUNTS. For Wizard101, it's the Wuffalump! A great Winnie The Pooh reference if you're fan of that. I know I was. For Pirate101, we get the Mystic Skiff. It's the perfect rowing boat for us pirates. Can you say ARRRRRGH?!

 This totally adorable elephant mount costs 5850 crowns. Sweet deal!

The cool thing about this brand new mount is that its saddle and its....
toenails, yes toenails are dyeable!

Me and my Wuffa exploring the Festival Park of Cyclops Lane!

The best deal for a Wizard101 mount is the Mammoth Mini. You can save 4000 crowns! Grab it while it's gone. All mounts are on sale, so if you had your eye on a certain one, it's the time to buy it!

Like I said, for Pirate101, we got a brand new Mystic Skiff costing only 4500 crowns. Pretty good deal I'd think. Even for us greedy pirates! Not only that, you can save up to 50% off on all mounts in the Crown Shop. Don't forget to pick up the Tiki Waverunner mount that's back just for a short time.

The very fast Mystic Skiff only costs 4500 Crowns!

Row Row Row Your Boat. Gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

I spy a Master Moo with an Aquilan Pegasus. Smart buy!

Out of all mounts, I think the Pegasus is the best deal. Aquilan Pegasus for 5,000 crowns? Woot!

Are you excited?! I know I am! I'm forever running around with my brand new Wuffalump. I feel so girly with it, especially with its painted toenails. Too cute for words. But remember, the Mount A Palooza ends on April 24th. So if you want to buy any of those mounts, you better do it quickly!
