Friday, April 1, 2016

No Joking, We Got A Rubber Ducky Mount!

Yes, it's April Fools' Day, but this isn't a joke.
We really got a Rubber Ducky mount and a tinfoil hat!

If you got 3750 crowns in either game, you now can bounce as you move around the spiral on a Rubber Ducky. Can you say Quack, Quack?!

Check out that cool idle animation. Be ready to flap your arms!
No, flapping your arms won't make you fly...

I look like I'm a tough chick on a rubber ducky. It's so confusing!
How am I supposed to be tough when the ducky makes me melt? It's too cute!!

Bounce, Bounce!

If you noticed the hat, you can get one too for free! Click HERE to redeem one. Thank you Wizard101 & Pirate101 for giving us tinfoil hats. Yes you can get it in BOTH games! Now aliens can't get us or the government... Whichever it is, you're quite protected from brain scans or whatever it is... (not really.)

Just remember, this mount will NOT return next year, so grab it while it's available. It will be in the Crown Shop until April 5th.

Still don't believe me? Check out the official page about it on Wizard101's site at:
