Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Halloween In Wizard101

Halloween is officially back in the Spiral!

You can find the Halloween quests in the Commons of Wizard101. Go talk to Jack Hallow in the Commons of Wizard City and also Dworgyn in Nightside, they both have quests ready for you. You can't miss them!

Halloween Packs

You can also find the Harrowing and Nightmare packs in the Crown Shop for 299 crowns.

And by the way, the gear is still 100+.

PS: There's a rumor that there's a new Halloween pack coming that has not been released yet, stay tuned!

The Spookacular Pets

You can find the Nightmare, Ghost Dragon and Zombie Piggle pets in the Crown Shop.

Nightmare - 2500 Crowns
Ghost Dragon - 3000 Crowns
Zombie Piggle - 2250 Crowns

Wanna Dress Up?

There's cool Mummy and Vampire Costumes available for purchase! They are available for 2500 crowns each set. They include a hat, robe, and boots. Now you can look fabulous for Halloween in Wizard101!

Daily Assignment Chests

Hope you noticed that the Daily Assignment chests have their own cool look for Halloween? They are also dropping cool Halloween items.

Halloween Fish

Black Catfish, Rank 1, Death
Frankenfish, Rank 1, Storm
Vampire Squid, Rank 2, Death
There's three Halloween fish which returned from last year in all of the commons of the Worlds that have fishing. No, sorry, there's no new ones this year.

The current Halloween fish are Frakenfish, Black Cat and Vampire Squid. Hurry and reel them in before Halloween is over!

Spooky Bob

Don't forget to visit Spooky Bob in the Shopping District of Wizard City for your typical Halloween clothes. You can buy masks, costumes, wands and even a Spooky Bob portrait for crowns! Spooky Bob also has a Black Cat, Nightmare and Ghost Dragon pets for sale.

Which Part Is Your Favorite?

I sure love packs the most. But what about you? What excites you most about Halloween in Wizard101?
