Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Brand New Shinobi Bundle from Wizard101!

In the most recent KI Live, they gave away Shinobi Bundles to those whose questions got picked. Thank you Scarlet Rose Wiz, one of the KI Live winners, for allowing me to take pictures as well as use her own photos for this blog post.

The Shinobi Dojo

You now can have a movable building which has a PvP Arena inside as well as a Moodha Statue that gives rewards. Someone actually got a Skyslash Demon pet from it.

The Shinobi Dragon Mount

Yes you can actually seat two people on this very slippery, but scary, mount!

The Shellnobi Warrior Pet 

This pet is so Ninja Teenage Mutant Turtle. You can't mess with it!

It even spins its own dagger very fast!

The Shinobi Gear & Weapon

Yes this gear set goes up to Level 120! With Mirage coming soon to Wizard101 possibly this month or next month at the latest, it should make complete sense. Notice on the weapon may cast card, there's a new icon!

Watch for this upcoming bundle from Gamestop for $29!
