Crowns History
If you suddenly notice that your crowns are lower than what it should be or if you swore you had that item that you bought with crowns but you weren't sure.. There's a special way to check.
1. Go to
2. Log in
3. Go to My Accounts
4. In the box named"Account Management" - Click on "Crowns History"
5. Pick a Date and Items with your total Crowns will show.
You can look through your Crown History to check what you did previous buy or spent your crowns on. It's very useful if you have multiple wizards and you don't remember exactly what you bought.
Paying By Mobile
If you are away from a computer, but you really want to buy membership or crowns before it's too late.. You can pay through your phone's web browser.
1. Log In @
2. Under the Account section on the Wizard101 site in the left side bar Navigator - Click on Pay By Mobile
3. Pick whatever you want to buy and click Submit
Then you can buy subscriptions or crowns from there.
I hope those tips have been useful for you. I know they were for me!