Even though pirates raided many ships, few if any, buried their treasure. Because often the treasure that were stolen was simple things such as food, water, alcohol, weapons or clothing. They also stole household items like soap, gear such as rope and anchors. They sometimes kept the ships they capture to sell off or replace their current ship if it was better. There was no reason to bury those kind of items. It was really rare to bury treasure.
Pirates also tend to try to not kill people aboard the ships that they captured if they surrendered because if it became known that pirates took no prisoners, their victims would fight to the last end and make it difficult for them. It would also be very costly in lives. This is why a lot of ships would surrender because they knew they would be spared. For example, one well documented case with 300 heavily armored soliders on a ship that was attacked by Thomas Tew surrendered after a short battle with none of Tew's 40-man crew being hurt.
Pirates had a system of rewards that had a hierarchy aboard their ships. The majority of plunder was the form of cargo and the ship's equipment with medicine that were highly prized. For instance, a vessel's doctor's chest would have been worth $470,000 today. Jewels were very common to plunder, but not as popular since they were hard to sell. Pirates back then had little concept of their value ironically. In one recorded case, a pirate was given a large diamond that was worth more than the value of a handful of small diamonds as a share and he felt cheated. And in turn, he broke the big diamond into smaller pieces to make it match to what everyone earned.
Ordinary seamen do receive a part of the plunder which was up to the Captain, but usually it was a single share. Pirates would expect a year's wage as his share from each ship that was captured. The crew of the most successful pirate would often receive a share around 1,000 ($1.17 million) at least once in their career. For instance, Captain Thomas Tew captured a ship that gave every ordinary seaman a share of 3,000 ($3.5 million) with the officers receiving larger shares while Capt. Thomas Tew himself received 2 1/2 shares (approx 9 million dollars.)
Ordinary seamen in the Royal Navy only earned 19s per month to be paid in a lump sum at the end of a tour of duty which was half the rate that was paid in the Merchant Navy. Corrupt officers would often tax their crew to supplement their own wages and the Royal Navy was infamous for its reluctance to pay. And from this wage, 6d per month was deducted to help maintain the Greenwich Hospital with similar amounts deducted for Chatham Chest, the chaplain and surgeon. Those who were pressganged or were volunteers would be shackled while the boat was docked and was not permitted to go ashore until they were released from service. This is probably why piracy was so attractive.
The famous Spanish pieces of eight were minted in Mexico or Seville were the standard currency in the American colonies even though they still also used pounds, shillings and pence for bookkeeping records. Spanish, German, French and Portuguese money were standard mediums of exchange. In England, 1 piece of eight was worth 3s 3d while it was worth 8s in New York, 7s 6d in Pennsylvania and 6s 8d in Virginia. One 18th Century English shilling is worth about $58 today and a piece of eight would be worth $248-465.
In 1241, William Maurice is the first person known to be hanged, drawn and quartered under the conviction of piracy by King Henry III. So piracy was a career long hated by the royalty and government of the British.
The Origin of Piracy
On one voyage across the Aegean Sea in 75 BC, Julius Caesar was kidnapped by Cilician pirates and was held prisoner in the Dodecanese islet of Pharmacusa. He kept a cheerful attitude throughout his imprisonment. When the pirates decided to demand a ransom of twelve talents of gold, Caesar is said to have insisted that he was worth at least fifty. And the pirates listened to him, raising the ransom price. When the ransom was paid and Caesar was released, he had his revenge on those same pirates.
Medieval Age to 19th Century Pirates
In the Late Middle Ages, the Frisian pirates led by Pier Gelofs Donia and Wijerd Jelckama, fought against the troops of Charles V., Holy Roman Empire. With some success, they were able to capture 28 ships in one battle earning the Donia the title of "Cross of the Dutchman" making him one of the most famous pirates of the era.
Towards the end of 9th century, Moor pirates were common in the Mediterranean Sea and a lot of Moor pirate havens were established along the coast of southern France and northern Italy. In 846 Moor raiders sacked Rome and damaged the Vatican. They even were able to block the bishop of Narbonne in 911 because they controlled all of the passes in the Alps which showed how powerful pirates could be.
In 13th and 14th century, pirates threatened Hanseatic routes and almost made sea trade extinct. Until about 1440, piracy had made maritime trade in both North Sea and Balitc Sea almost impossible and dangerous.
But as early as Byzantine times, the Maniots from Greece considered Piracy as a legitimate job due to the fact that their land was poor and they had nothing else to fall back on.
East Asia
Eastern Europe
North Africa
Most pirates were eventually hunted down by Royal Navy and killed or captured. And piracy in the Caribbean declined for the next few decades after 1730. By the 1810s, many pirates who roamed American waters weren't as bold or successful as the prior ones. But Jean Lafitte and Roberto Cofresi were very successful. Roberto Cofresi was based in Puerto Rico where he was considered a "Robin Hood" by many Puerto Ricans. He was eventually defeated and captured in 1825. In the 20th Century, Boysie Singh who operated off northern South America was a notable pirate of this era. He killed a few people and plundered their ships from 1947 to 1956.
North America
Pirate Democracy
Many Caribbean pirate crews that was descended from Europe operated as limited democracies. Pirate communities were some of the first to use a system of checks and balances that is similar to the one that present day United States uses as well as other countries. The first record of this dates back to 17th century. Both Captain and the Quartermaster would be elected by the crew, then by turn they would appoint the other ships' officers. The Captain of the pirate ship was often the tough fighter that they could trust to do the job. But when not in battle, the Quartermaster had the real authority. The pirates shared in whatever they seized and pirates who got injured in battle could be given special compensation almost like medical or disability insurance. There are records that many pirates would place a portion of their share into a central fund that would compensate the injuries that was sustained by the crew. Lists showed standard payments of 600 pieces of eight ($156,000 as of today) for the loss of a leg down to 100 pieces ($26,800) for loss of an eye. Those terms were often agreed upon and written down by the pirates.
Today's Pirates
Today's pirates are a totally different and more dangerous breed today that still roam the world's oceans. They are not to be trifled with since they are more high tech now and are more unsavory sort who engages in kidnapping and other scary things. Modern piracy sometimes take place in conditions of political unrest and possibly desperate need to survive. But no matter through the ages, piracy might sound cool from the stories you read and in the movies you watch. In reality, it is really a dangerous and scary thing to have happen to you if you were caught in the middle of it.