Monday, May 21, 2012

New Second Chance Chests

According to this month's Test Realm notes - A new type of Second Chance chest has been added to the following Boss Encounters. These chests start at 75 Crowns instead of the previous 50 Crowns, so pay attention, young Wizards!
  1. Selenor
  2. Mithraya
  3. Ptolemos
  4. Astraeus
  5. Selwyn Skywatcher

  6. Zafaria
  7. Nergal
  8. Elephant Spectral Guardian
  9. Lion Spectral Guardian
  10. Gorilla Spectral Guardian

  11. Avalon
  12. Kiva White Talon
  13. Pendragon
  14. Young Morganthe
  15. Nameless Knight


I visited the Nameless Knight's Tomb to see what the new Second Chance chests gave.

Here is what I got so far until I ran out of crowns.
All are Non-Auction Gear for Level 78 even Amulets, Seeds, Themes, Snacks
and of course, gold!

PS: It might say that you got one item, but when you check your green box,
you could get more items than you thought!!!

More information in this month's Test Realm notes
