As Wizard101 has said in their Test Realm notes for May, they have released three new Reagents that is ONLY obtained from Gardening. We have added known drops of each new Reagent. There are still more plants out there that we have not discovered that drops the following Reagents. But for now, those could be useful to you for your crafting purposes. We will keep adding once we know more information!
Be warned: those reagents are VERY rare. I harvested 30 Silver Trumpet Vine and got only a couple of Vines and a couple of Braided Vine.
And no, Evil Magma Peas has not dropped anything rare just in case you were wondering. :)
White Tiger Lily at Elder
Deadly Ninja Figs
Red Bell Peppers
Silver Trumpet Vine at Elder
Pink Huckleberries
Maelstrom Snap Dragon at Elder
Deadly Helephant Ears at Elder
Silver Trumpet Vine at Elder
Blue Huckleberries
Frozen Fly Trap
Wizard101 has stated that Deadly Fly Traps and Red Huckleberries do drop the above Rare Reagents, but we still do not know what they drop at this point. If you all know, let us know!