Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016!

This year saw a lot of neat things. We got a new world, new spells and pets, leveled up to a new level cap and graduated from Ravenwood in Wizard101. Pirate101, we got Ranked PvP and new pets as well as mounts and furniture. What a great 2015 we have had!

**Wizard101 & Pirate101's 2015 in Review**

Okay, let's review 2015 for both Wizard101 and Pirate101. Let's remember what they have added to the games.

1. World Expansions

Welcome to Polaris!

Yes, Polaris! Wizard101 has introduced a brand new world filled with Polar Bears and Penguins. You get to explore a pretty cool world that will lead you to help free the poor citizens of Polaris from the Polarian royalty as well as a new formidable foe, one of Old Cob's children.

2. New Pets

Gosh, there were tons of new pets introduced into the game. It's quite a long list actually. I picked a few for now.

The Golden Goose in Wizard101

New Noel Claward pet in Pirate101, one of the new Christmas pets they introduced in their Crown Shop

The coolest new pet in Wizard101, Frankie Forearms!

There was so many pets dropped in Polaris as well as new hybrids from certain Polarian pets. Also there were quite a lot new pets from Pirate101's birthday and holiday presents. Quite a few also were dropped from the updated Wizard101's Winterland Pack as well as sold in both games' Crown Shop.

But, Frankie Forearms was a cool Rise & Destroy pet promotion for Wizard101 which is sadly now expired. But those who were lucky enough to get it in time got a cool Frankie pet! He's the same cute monster you will see in Rise & Destroy as well as running around in the Arcanum.

3. New Stuff!

Who DOESN'T like new stuff?! Every time they introduce new stuff, it's like Christmas Day all over again. Thanks to Winterland Pack being updated in Wizard101 this year, we saw a lot of cool holiday furniture, hairstyles, mount, and pets. For Pirate101, it was the birthday and holiday presents that were a gold mine for furniture and pets. I listed a few because there were just too many new things that were added to both games. They also introduced new pets, furniture, mounts and even ships to the Crown Shop. There were so many options of where you could get whatever you needed which was super cool!

Pirate101 finally has a Christmas ship!

One of the new hairstyles in Wizard101 - the Cat Ears!

Pirate101 finally has new snowglobes!

Wizard101 has a brand new icy multi tank aquarium. Can you say BRRRRR?!

4. New Spells

Wizard101 introduced awesome new spells for us to learn. One of them is the Raging Bull for the Fire school below.

Yassssssssssssss, bae. I loved it for my Kelsey Fireheart, who is a proud Pyromancer. Can you hear me RAWR?! Don't worry, there are other new spells for ALL schools.

5. New Mounts

I loved the Polaris Train mount for both Pirate101 and Wizard101. Can you say Choo Choo?!

The Polaris Train Mount

Also the super grrrrr-eat Forest Tiger in Pirate101 and the Crystal Unicorn mount as well Narwhal mount in Wizard101.

Wizard101's Yule Reindeer mount from Winterland Pack

I actually got to the point where I had a hard time choosing which mount to use because I loved them all! But we cannot also forget the cool Narwhal mount from the new Polarian bundle!

The Brand New Candy Cane Mounts in Pirate101

Not to mention Pirate101's cool birthday and holiday presents which gave temporary mounts such as the Candy Canes.

6. Ranked PvP Arrives in Pirate101

For those who love PvP, this was a welcome addition to Pirate101!

Yep, in Pirate101, we finally can do ranked pvp where you can earn scrip and points. There's even cool new vendors with pets, weapons and more! What's cool about Ranked PvP in Pirate101 is that the weapon and pet vendors for PvP changes each season. The weapons and pets will change four times a year for Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter!

7. The Fact That We Graduated From Ravenwood!

Leala sure looks good in her graduation cap!

Yep, in Wizard101, when we level up to Level 101, we get to graduate from Ravenwood! Even Leala aka Professor Lydia Greyrose joined in the celebration. We even get a cool badge and graduation clothes to show for it! We can now level up to 108 which is about the time when we unlock a brand new school area in a cool floating area in the spiral called the Arcanum. Not to mention we also get new spells there. I can't wait to see what else we will see in the upcoming years. It will be super epic. After all, the Arcanum has so many doors that we could open and each door could be a brand new journey!

I got to say that I loved a lot of their new items, pets, mounts and stuff. The yuletide pack quite gave a lot of cool furniture and Polaris dropped a lot of cool new pets in Wizard01. For Pirate101, those birthday and holiday presents gave so many new furniture and pets. What more could I ask for?

What else do you think should be added to this list? Post away in the comments below.

**What Do I Want For 2016 In Wizard101 & Pirate101?**


So, everyone's been searching for Book 15 and Captain Avery is not telling where it is. Hopefully it will finally pop up on the horizon so we can go on a new journey! I also want to know who the heck is Jones and Short Stop who's in the cove where Catbeard's ship is at. That's the greatest Indiana Jones reference, but we got no clue where or why they're there. 

The Greatest Mystery In The Spiral

I want to find out where that blocked door leads in the Arcanum. Not only that, I would like to be able to see inside the astral teacher's classroom as well as the shadow teacher's. I'm so curious what they look like inside.

I'm also hoping to see more of Mellori in 2016 and figure out if there's a secret relationship between us and her. Like, could she be my sister, my cousin, my.. something?

Other Things I'd Love To See In 2016:
-pet talent transfers (as in transfer my perfect pets' talents on a new pet)
-mount stitching or upgrading (so we can add stats to our mounts)
-dorm expansions (second floor or different world dorm looks)
-pet farm vault (where you can drop in pets and mounts in a vault)
-letter blocks furniture (like "happy holidays!")
-More worlds of course!
-And so many more!

Hope you have had a great 2015. Here's to you having a great 2016 too! Happy New Year's Eve!
