Soon it will be 2016. What will be your resolutions for 2016? Here's mine.
1. Play More!
I should really get all of my Wizard101 and Pirate101 characters to max level. I have 9 other wizards that are not Level 110. I have 2 other pirates that are not Level 65.
2. The Elusive Mount
I really want to get that Mammoth Mini mount. It's driving me nuts that I have not gotten it already! I REALLY NEED TO HAVE IT or I will cry forever. THE CUTENESS HAS TO BE MINE. Warlord Minak, you better watch out for me in 2016 because I'm coming for you!
3. Pets, Pets and Hybrids!
I really want to get all of the known hybrids in Pirate101. Those pets really hate me or something because they refuse to jump into my backpack. For Wizard101, I really want to try to get a perfect fire pet that is NOT an ice cat of ANY kind. I'm really tired of those ice cats that does not fit my character's look. Really wish there was pet cloning or something that transfers over talents.
4. Write More?
I am not sure, but I think I should write more blog posts? Not sure yet. I feel like I should write more interesting posts. I don't know. I can be a very picky person, never satisfied with anything I do lol. That's one of my major flaws.
5. Try Other Games
I really wanna get into WoW and explore more of it. Also LOTRO. I also can't wait for the other games that I have backed on Kickstarter, so I can give them a good trial run to see how I like them like The Happy Few.
What about you? Post your resolutions in the comments below.