Have you ever had a bad day? I bet you did. But what would be a bad day for Wizards and Pirates?
A Wizard's Bad Day is when their mount is too low on magic to fly.
A Pirate's Bad Day is when there's no wind for their ship's sails.
A Wizard's Bad Day is when their wand decides to play hide & seek. Emphasis on hide.
A Pirate's Bad Day is when they can't find their belt. A full moon isn't attractive.
A Wizard's Bad Day is when Penny Dreadful needs help AGAIN, interrupting your quest.
A Pirate's Bad Day is when Captain Avery has no quests.
A Wizard's Bad Day is when their wand decides to play annoying theme songs. If it plays the "Jaws" theme song for you, I'd be concerned.
A Pirate's Bad Day is when their cannons shoot blanks. Enuff said.
A Wizard's Bad Day is when they get attacked by a Humongofrog. You will need a raincoat.
A Pirate's Bad Day is when there's no more yum-n-ade. I think Ryan drank it all.
A Wizard's Bad Day is when they can't get a piece of gear that they desperately need from an defeated enemy. "What do you mean, you don't have it? But I just won!"
A Pirate's Bad Day is when their companions decides to be lazy in a fight. Ratbeard's excuse? "But I'm eating cheese!"
A Wizard's Bad Day is when they are not ready to learn a spell. "What do you mean? I failed my last test?!"
A Pirate's Bad Day is when Ratbeard and Bonnie Anne argues... AGAIN.
A Wizard's Bad Day is when their pet resists being trained by playing dead.
A Pirate's Bad Day is when skarkeets decides to fly right above you... SPLAT! Get an umbrella pronto.
And PS: And A Gamer's Bad Day is when there's no more games to play!
And PSS: A Blogger's Bad Day is when they draw a blank on what to write for the day. Just saying.
And PSS: A Blogger's Bad Day is when they draw a blank on what to write for the day. Just saying.