Friday, March 18, 2016

New In Live Realm: What Is The Gear Vault?

Introducing The Gear Vault From The Wizard101 Test Realm

Currently there is a brand new furniture - the Gear Vault. This will allow you to hold up to 100 gear pieces in each Gear Vault. This will be a fantastic addition for those gear hoarders!

Bought from Toshio in Jade Palace, Mooshu for 15,000 Gold

Cool Down Timer: 18:20:00
Crafting Station: Housing


25 Flawless Sapphire - 1250 Gold Total (50 Gold Each)
Bought from Archytas in Base Camp, CL

10 Fairy Treasure Cards - 16000 Gold Total (1600 Gold Each)
Bought from Harold Argleston in the Wizard City Library, WC

25 Reshuffle Treasure Cards - 27500 Gold Total (1100 Gold Each)
Bought from Harold Argleston in the Wizard City Library, WC

1 Reinforced Crate - 35 Gold Total
Bought from Aubert Quickhammer in the Furniture Shop of Shopping District, WC

30 Stone Blocks - Easily found in Bazaar or Avalon, Krokotopia or any other worlds

20 Sandstone - Easily found in Bazaar or Zafaria, Dragonspyre, Celestia, Kroktopia or other worlds

10 Mist Wood - Easily found in Bazaar or Wizard City

How To Set Up The Gear Vault In Your House?

It's quite easy and similar to Seed Vaults and Music Players.

1. Once in your house, Clicky Click this button.

2. Once the interface opens, pull the Gear Vault from your backpack to place it down.

3. Once placed on the ground or floor, click on the hat button to open the Gear Vault. This is like the Music Player or the Seed Vault.

How Does Gear Vault Work?

When you open it via the furniture placement interface and this window opens... If you do not understand what I mean, simply look at the picture above. That hat button needs to be clicked on to open it.

Once opened, this window will show everything that is in your backpack.

This lists what is in your Gear Vault. You can have up to 100 gear pieces in your Gear Vault. All you have to do is click the button with the hat that is at the bottom of the interface screen to add or remove gear pieces.

Please be aware that you can only place ONE Gear Vault per house just like Seed Vaults. One inside, one outside. But interestingly enough, it says Crowns Only. So I checked the Crown Shop and it's available there for 1995 Crowns. This means we have two ways of obtaining a Gear Vault - Crafting or Buying It With Crowns.

May I say, I LOVE YOU WIZARD101?!!!!! This will help me so much when opening packs that's for sure!
