Monday, March 21, 2016

Springtime In Wizard101!

Springtime in Wizard101 has arrived with brand new sheep/butterfly hybrids. Well I call them hybrids because look at that pet! It's a sheep with butterfly wings! They're so pretty! They're like cotton candy which makes me hungry... But anyway, they're found in the Crown Shop for 3,000 Crowns each. 

Blueberry, Strawberry and Lemon Cotton Candy. What am I saying? You did NOT hear that!

Other Stuff In The Crown Shop

 Don't forget the Bunny outfit, the Bunny mounts, Egg Pet in the Crown Shop to purchase to make your Spring the most festive ever. 

Eggbert Is Back!

If you need gears or wands, visit Eggbert in the Shopping District.

Goodbye Cold Cod, Hello SpringFish!

Not only that SpringFish has arrived in the ponds all over the Spiral for those fisherpeople who have not obtained one yet!

SpringFish is a Rank 1 Storm Fish that can be found in all ponds of Wizard City, Krokotopia, Marleybone and MooShu. 
