Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Christmas Wishes

I know this post would work better at the beginning of December, but I got caught up in the finals whirlwind. I'm sure a good portion of you know what I'm talking about - finishing up classes and studying for finals or midterms. It can really take up someone's time.
Although, here is no time better than the present, and I'm not talking about the kind that's wrapped up with a pretty bow under the tree.

The Yuletide season always brings something to the Spiral. Whether it's a gingerbread horse or a four player mount, we always look forward to something new in the Crowns Shop. Not only do we get something new but we also get something old, such as Felix Navidad gracing the Shopping District with his festive presence, or Krampus coming over to give us a challenge while burning our skeleton keys.

No matter what we get this festive season, there is always enough room to bring in some more cool, fun stuff for us to do in the Spiral. I took to Twitter to ask fellow wizards and witches what they would love to see be added into the Spiral festive season (hopefully next year *winkwink*)

Chrissy and Momo seem to be sharing the same thinking cap...Or should I say Santa hat! It would be really cool if we were given the option to wear a plain simple Santa hat that girls can wear and that boys can wear without the beard. As well as our faithful companions getting in on the Christmas spirit as well! Can you imagine how adorable my Snowhopper bunnies would look in little Christmas hats?! 

Gingerbread gear? Gingerbread mount? Gingerbread pet? We might as well keep the trend going with Gingerbread castle blocks! I'm sure that Devin and a boatload of housing decorators would be able to put their skills to the test and make the ultimate Gingerbread palace if we were given Gingerbread castle blocks. Just be careful on "accidentally" eating some, and make sure that I'm nowhere nearby those too because a wall will end up "mysteriously" disappearing.

Although the holiday festivities are nearby and with the year coming to a close, I just hope that you guys have an amazing holiday that would can cherish with the people you love. Make sure to be kind to one another and share as much love as you can give out. Also, keep an eye out for Santa and make sure to leave some milk and cookies for him!
