Monday, June 10, 2013

Pharaoh's Hoard Loot Roll


Meet Sheldon Cooper's Kitty! :)

Comes with MC Plague, MC Infection 

Life Scarab
Storm Salamander
Fire Salamander
Death Scarab
Scarab (balance)


Look at Johnny in his new mount. Too funny!

Mander Palanquin Permanent Mount

Crokogator Permanent Mount
Crokogator 7 Days Mounts
Crokogator 1 Day Mount


Tapestry to the Oasis

Tapestry to School of Balance

Krokotopian House Boat (No Trade, No Auction)
Lunar-Emblem Bed
Worn Shovel
Krokotopian Hammock
Stack of Scrolls
Boat Tent
Blue Krok Sconce
Red Krok Sconce
Carved Podium
Royal Krokotopian Vase
Wide Red Pedestal
Wide Purple Pedestal
Wide Blue Pedestal
Krok Scarab Pillar
Fang Harp
Bricked Wall
Krok Student Desk
Purple Facetted Column
Red Facetted Column
Blue Facetted Column
Purple Painted Column
Red Painted Column
Stack of Scrolls
Purple Krok Bust
Red Krok Bust
Blue Krok Bust
Painted Bowl
Krok Snake Tablet
Krok Bird Tablet
Krok Skull Tablet
Krok Sun Tablet
Krok Tree Tablet
Krok Moon Tablet
Krok Insect Tablet
Krok Insect Pressure Plate
Krok Tree Pressure Plate
Krok Bird Pressure Plate
Krok Sun Pressure Plate
Krok Snake Pressure Plate
Krok Moon Pressure Plate
Krok Sun Pressure Plate
Open Ice Sarcophagus
Krok Hourglass Pillar
Turkey Platter
Bowl of Lettuce
Bowl of Dates
Bowl of Tomatoes
Prince Aka Karanahn Statue
Prince Stuten Sokkwi 
Red Ancient Statue
Purple Ancient Statue
Blue Ancient Statue
Ice Chameleon Statue
Fire Chameleon Statue
Storm Chameleon Statue
Tomb Map
Krokotopia Map
Fat Pumpkin
Tall Pumpkin
Red Floor Torch
Blue Floor Torch
Tall Palm Trees
Red Urn
Purple Urn
Serpent Seat
Fire Mummy
Storm Mummy
Ice Mummy
Tall Ladder
Short Krokotopian Pot
Green Gem
Fire Sarcophagus
Krok Brazier
Doused Krok Brazier
Hieroglyphic Fire Tablet
Hieroglyphic Storm Tablet
Hieroglyphic Ice Tablet
Standing Ice Prince
Krokotopian Counter
Raised Ice Sarcophagus
Open Fire Sarcophagus
Storm Sarcophagus
Pile of Dirt
Long Narrow Table
Wrapped Long Bench
Row of Scrolls
Stack of Scrolls
A Scroll
Krokotopia Camping Tent
Kroktopia Grand Tent
Dim Scarab Pillar
Potted Palm
Krok Snake Obelisk
Krok Bird Obelisk
Krok Sun Obelisk
Small Pillared Obelisk
Large Archway
Painted Wardrobe

Krok Chalkboard

Standing Ice Prince
Beetle Beanbag


Hieroglyph Wall Decor
Solar Pattern Wallpaper


Alligator Pear Tree
Honey Sickle
Honey Bee Plant


Sun Fruit - Fire - Rank 8 - 1 Will, 5 Agility, 2 Intellect, 10 Power, 7 Strength
Bad Honeyed Dates - Rank 8 - Life - 9 Will, 7 Power, 9 Strength
Krokkish Coffee - Rank 8 - 13 Intellect, 7 Power
Manderdrake Fruit - Fire - Rank 7 - 12 Intellect
Pyramints - Myth - Rank 7 - 6 Will, 2 Intellect
Pollen Bombs - Life - Rank 7 - 2 Agility, 6 Intellect, 2 Strength
Atomic Fireball - Fire - Rank 7 - 5 Power, 5 Strength
Salmonberry - Storm - Rank 6 - 2 Will, 2 Intellect, 2 Strength
Dastardly Radish - Death - Rank 6 - 2 Will, 2 Agility, 2 Power
Neti Krokker Cookies - Myth - Rank 6 - 5 Will, 2 Power
Ancient Date - Myth - Rank 6 - 4 Will, 4 Power
Gator Tots - Storm - Rank 6 - 4 Agility, 5 Power
Salty Fish - Ice - Rank 6 - 1 Will, 2 Agility, 1 Intellect, 4 Strength
Krokodill Pickles - Life - Rank 6 - 2 Will, 2 Agility, 2 Intellect, 2 Strength
Glowing Star Fruit - Balance - Rank 6 - 2 Intellect, 2 Power, 2 Strength
Kountry-Krok Butter - Balance - Rank 5 - 4 Power, 2 Strength
Goat Cheese - Death - Rank 5 - 1 Will, 3 Power, 1 Strength
Golden Grapes - Life - Rank 5 - 2 Will, 1 Agility, 1 Intellect, 1 Strength
Star Cookie - Storm - Rank 5 - 3 Agility, 2 Will
Golden Apple - Life - Rank 5 - 1 Will, 1 Agility, 2 Intellect, 1 Strength
Fire Cracker - Fire - Rank 4 - 3 Agility, 1 Power
Golden Biscuit - Life - Rank 4 - 4 Will
Fire Cracker - Fire - Rank 4 - 3 Agility, 1 Power
Large Watermelon - Balance - Rank 4 - 2 Agility, 1 Intellect, 1 Power
Square Watermelon - Death - Rank 4 - 3 Intellect, 1 Strength
Hard Boiled Beetle Egg - Storm - Rank 4 - 1 Will, 3 Power
Athame Pop - Ice - Rank 4 - 2 Agility, 2 Intellect
Bunch of Figs - Death - Rank 4 - 3 Agility, 1 Intellect
Black Sun Seeds - Death - Rank 4 - 1 Intellect, 3 Strength
Big Squash - Storm - Rank 4 - 3 Agility, 1 Intellect
Large Fish - Life - Rank 4 - 1 Intellect, 3 Power
Salmon Joy - Storm - Rank 4 - 2 Will, 2 Intellect
Bunch of Figs - Death - Rank 4 - 3 Agility, 1 Intellect
Ape Grapes - Life - Rank 4 - 3 Power, 1 Strength
Medium Fish - Life - Rank 4 - 1 Intellect, 3 Power
Tiny Fish - Life - Rank 3 - 1 Intellect, 2 Power
Diamond Carrot - Ice - Rank 3 - 3 Will
Green Grapes - Ice - Rank 3 - 1 Will, 2 Power
Diamond Grapes - Ice - Rank 3 - 3 Intellect
Nettle Root - Storm - Rank 3 - 1 Power, 2 Strength
Cracker - Balance - Rank 3 - 1 Will, 2 Strength


Scarab - Balance - 1 Pip - 80-120 Balance Damage
Lernaean Hydra - 7 Pips, Balance - 640 Fire Damage, 545 Ice Damage, 795 Storm Damage to All
Aka Karanahn - 4 Pips - Storm, 375 Storm Damage and 10% Armor Piercing to Next Damage Spell
Locust Swarm - Balance - 3 Pips - 285-345 Balance Damage
Balanceblade - Balance - 0 Pips - +30% to Next Damage Spell
Spirit Blade - Balance - 1 Pip - +40% Damage to Next Death, Myth and Life Damage Spells
Scarab - Balance - 1 Pip - 80-120 Balance Damage
Spirit Trap - Balance - 1 Pip - +35% to Next Death, Myth and Life Damage Spell
Elemental Trap - Balance - 1 Pip - +35% to Next Fire, Ice, Storm Damage Spell
Spirit Spear -  Balance - 1 Pip - +9% Armor Piercing to Next Death, Myth, and Life Damage Spells
Elemental Spear -  Balance - 1 Pip - +9% Armor Piercing to Next Ice, Storm and Fire Damage Spells
Suten Sokkwi - Ice - 4 Pips - 275 Ice Damage and Steal 1 Heal Over Time
Akori Nirini - Fire - 4 Pips - 325 Fire Damage and -45% Accuracy
Nekhbet - Ice - 3 Pips - 325 Ice Damage
Krokotillian - Balance - 3 Pips - 315 Balance Damage
Scorpion - Balance - 2 Pips - 185-225 Balance Damage
Krokhotep - Ice - 5 Pips - 305 Ice Damage, Steal 1 Shield, Absorb 200 Damage
Krokopatra - Storm - 5 Pips - 405 Storm Damage, Remove 1 Charm and Remove 1 Shield
Ra - Balance - 8 Pips - 615-705 Balance Damage to All Enemies


Black Lotus
Shadow Oil
Bronze Gear
Scrap Iron
Perfect Amethyst
Ancient Scroll
Leather Straps








