Tuesday, September 11, 2012

List of P101 Names; What Will Be Yours?

My name is Fearless Kristen Eastwick.
I love it so much that I will continue using it once Pirate101 is live.
But what will be yours?

Read our list of Pirate101 names that is currently on the name picker in-game of Pirate101 at: http://www.starsofthespiral.com/p101-character-names

Please leave a comment what your name will be in Live! Can't wait to hear your choices.


  1. Silver Scot Silver, most likely.

  2. .......(dont know what it can be) Mark Sunpyre

  3. Mark, you can look at the list I have made of all P101 names that is available at: http://www.starsofthespiral.com/p101-character-names. You can go and see what kind of names you can create!


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