Thursday, September 13, 2012

Test Realm News: Decorating Elixirs & More!

And they have great news.. They have new decorating elixirs to help us
be able to add more junk.. ahem.. I mean furniture...
to our houses!

You can buy up to three potions or 300 items max.

For instance, the Massive Fantasy Palace has 250 Max limit,
so all you need is one potion to free it up to 300 Max limit.
However, the Dorms we have are at 150 Max limit,
so it will take three potions to free it up to 300.



But for my Massive Fantasy Palace, after purchasing the potion,
it's now fully maxed to 300. WOOT!

Can't wait to add more junk.. ahem.. FURNITURE.. to my houses..

On an additional note, the update notes mention gifting to strangers, at this current time, I cannot figure out how to do this. So I figure it's still not working, not added or something I do not understand. So be patient and I'm sure as time goes on, we all will be able to figure this out. :)
I know that I will LOVE this feature for contests and what not once it is out. SQUEE!
