Avast Ye! Pirates, Pirate101 has said we can put the winds in our sails! The game be released in early October. Pull up your britches an' close your mouths, me hearties! They also have bundles! Ye hear me? ARRRRRRGGGGH! Let's celebrate with a round of Yum!
Both Bundles will start being sold on September 19th.
Boochbeard Bundle:
12 Months P101 Membership
One Week Head Start Prior to Official Launch
Scarkeet Pet
Castaway's Cove House
Parrot Mount
Cat Pirate Companion
Dread Pirate's Outfit
Ruby Slicer Weapon
A Closed Beta Key!
Available for $89.99
Gandry Bundle:
1 Year P101 Membership
One Week Head Start Prior to Official Launch
Scarakeet Pet
Available for $59.99
Both are available for a LIMITED TIME only!
P101 Talks About Official Launch Date & Bundles: http://www.forbes.com/sites/davidewalt/2012/09/17/kingsisle-pirate101-launch-date-amp-presale/
P101's P101 Bundles Info: https://www.pirate101.com/free_game/presale_bundles
Information & Image Source: Pirate101.com
Information & Image Source: Pirate101.com