Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pirate101 Beta Bundles

 Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day, Mateys!

The Boochbeard and Gandry bundles are now available for purchase! For more information see the promotional page.

As a note: Although your Beta access begins upon purchase of the Boochbeard bundle, the in-game items from the bundles will not be available until the Pirate101 game launches. At the end of Closed Beta, there will be one final character wipe followed by the beginning of the one week Head Start. Then the Pre-Sale in-game items will be given to your account and your 12 Month Membership will begin.

What do you get from those P101 Bundles?

With the Gandry Beta Bundle for $59.99, you get a Year of Pirate101 Membership (which will renew at $59.99 next year), a week of headstart before P101 hits Live and a Scarakeet Pet.

With the Boochbeard Beta Bundle for $89.99, you get a 12 months membership, a Closed Beta Key and a week of headstart before P101 hits live along with the following items and a Castaway house and a Ruby Slicer wand:
