Avast Pirates! Ye be listenin' to me now, hear me?! I have great news for ye! Venture Beat spilled the beans. They be sayin' that Pirate101 will open its Headstart program on October 8th, then it will be open to everyone on the 15th. HOORAY!
Get ready for the greatest adventure ye will ever take! Be prepared to fill your sails with the very salt air that the wind blows. Gather all of your booty and barrels of Yum to transfer to your ship for the long voyages you will take! Once they say go, ye be ready to run to your ships!
YO HO HO HO! And A Pirate's Life for me!
Also ye Pirates, once you can sail in Pirate101, GameStop will be selling bundles of prepaid cards for Pirate101 for $10, $20 or $39. Keep an eye out at your local Gamestop store.
Also ye Pirates, once you can sail in Pirate101, GameStop will be selling bundles of prepaid cards for Pirate101 for $10, $20 or $39. Keep an eye out at your local Gamestop store.